The tepuis are a diverse and complex ecoregion, resplendent with endemic plants and animals and host to complex dynamic ecosystems. As such, we are drawn to them to shine the light of scientific discovery into their mysteries. However, this unique and irreplaceable part of our planet is also home to astounding ascetic beauty. As I proposed in my paper "Globalizing a Lost World: Beauty or Benefit, what drives Conservation?", it is the interplay between aesthetics, that awe inspiring natural beauty, and the realities of Anthrpogenic Climate Change and sustainable economic development which can be a driving force to save our planet.
In January 2017, Biokryptos Secretary and board member Alberto Pomares took a trip to Canaima and Kamarata to investigate, explore, and film the tremendous natural beauty of Canaima National Park. An accomplished professional photographer, he recorded and photographed the tepuis and other features of the park. As a special treat, Alberto filmed a helicopter overflight of Auyan, from Campo Naranja to Uruyen.
What is important here beyond the incredible and alien, and yet simultaneously familiar and comfortable, landscape of Auyan is a sense of the scale of the tepui. Campo Naranja is an area we have camera trapped before, and it is a mere three days hike for the western traveler from base camp at Uruyen (about a days hike for the Pemon). It is at the southern portion or Auyan, which leaves one with the entire tepui to explore, the vast majority of which is inaccessible.
To give a sense of scale, here is a satellite image from Google Earth. Uruyen is the small red dot on the bottom, while Naranja is the first yellow pin. |
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